04 March 2007

one week until one hour more

The weather is changing! Warmer today, 50° outside right now, but still colder than San Diego. My basement is consistently 54° and I'm hoping it'll stay cool through the summer. My first summer in Portland was anything but cool, 104° when I drove the U-Haul into town.

Anyway, next weekend will be my first weekend of tackling projects around the house. Gotta start unpacking and getting organized, finding frequently used items is becoming more time consuming than I like. Will also change out some of the incandescent lightbulbs for compact-fluorescent.

Speaking of bulbs, I have yet to determine the variety of bulbs sprouting around the front and back yards....kinda' fun. I've begun laying out a garden for the spring, mentally at least, still have a few more important tasks before getting into gardening. No need to rush, have a few weeks of frosty nights ahead. Spring will be here soon enough but I am anxious to get some seeds sprouting in preparation for my garden make-over. Hostas, foxgloves, cosmos, herbs and coleus will be abundant this season. Being new to the Northwestern climate, I won't be spending much hard-earned money on seedlings at the local nursery...this will undoubtedly be a learning experience for me.

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